You Get What You Give

Quality matters!

Hi everyone!

As you know, between our recent SCORE webinar and my last couple of emails, lead magnets have been on my mind lately - and here's why:

In my own experience, and affirmed by many business owners I have spoken with, how people get onto your email list strongly determines what they do in the future.

Including whether they open, click, and buy.

For example, like many business owners, in the past I’ve created some simple PDF guides. 

I’d spend time making it look OK, put a “Download Now” button on my site, and hoped it would create an email list that would become paying customers. 

Spoiler alert: it too often didn’t. 


Because those new subscribers who did download it were not usually the highest quality, meaning, lower average open rates, and sales that stayed flat. 

What I realized was that I was attracting people who wanted “free stuff” and not great content nor valuable solutions. I had created a lead magnet that screamed “cheap,” so that’s exactly what I got.

The game completely changed when I replaced these unloved PDF guides with a high-value, step-by-step, free, five-day Email Educational Course (EEC) (we went over this briefly in the webinar.)

With an EEC, over the course of a few days, you give folks massive value - how to do something, vital knowledge that makes a difference - that sort of thing.

Again, let’s look at my example from our last email. If you were a writer, would you be more inclined to opt-in to get some downloadable PDF, or this course?


With these EECs, I found that opt-in rates sky-rocketed (over 50%!) and sales boomed.

People would get each day’s email for five days, look forward to opening it, they would consume it, learn something new and get results, and then would actually reply with “Thanks, Steve!”

And yes, those same people ended up buying my core products later. 

Again, why?

Because a legit, solid, well-thought-out lead magnet like a five-day EEC brings in quality subscribers, not bargain-hunters.

I’m putting together an exclusive, limited-time, hands-on workshop on how to create your own EEC. If you want a lot more opt-ins, and an audience that values your expertise (and your products!), then keep an eye out for the official invite, coming soon.

Together, let’s build a lead magnet that people will happily opt-in to get, and that brings you the right crowd and turns them into buyers.

Talk soon!

- Steve


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